Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Academic blogging?!

On Tuesday September 8th 2009, I can honestly admit that I suffered many tiny heart attacks. I sat in my first university lecture as my professor told the class that we’d be creating academic blogs. From my previous experience, I had never equated the words academic and blogging. I viewed blogs as a leisurely and somewhat narcissistic activity (a la Perez Hilton), and with the exception of my teachers, parents and few friends I have never shared my work with the public.

As I sat in class, apprehensive. I questioned if I had anything of value to share with the world, which can now access my work with the click of a few buttons. It honestly scares me to know that anyone with internet access now has access to my thoughts, opinions beliefs.

Although I have never had a problem expressing myself in the past, I have always viewed myself as a verbal communicator. The task is now to take what I’ve learned and present them in a way that expresses who I truly am and what I know in a written form. Now that’s HARD! Blogging itself is hard! The process of blogging is completely brand new to me, and like anything new it’s a process I hope to grow and learn from. To those of you now reading in my work,
how about you embark on this brand new journey with me?

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